Discover the perfect blend of sweet and savory delights with our BC gift basket, the Boxwood. This thoughtfully curated basket is designed to satisfy every craving and make any occasion special. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, holiday, or simply want to show someone you care, this gift basket is sure to impress. Featured brands include, ChocolaTas, Whole Snacks, Martha's Delectables and Kitchening & Co.
Contents include:
- Salted caramel chocolates by ChocolaTas
- Raspberry Marshmallows by Kitchening & Co.
- Shortbread Cookies by Martha's Delectables (bag of 6)
- Whole Snacks Salted Nut Mix 60g
Locally sourced in British Columbia
*substitutions may occur with product of equal value.
Boxwood Gift Basket